RWC Outdoor Gear Repairs
We work to repair and prolong the lifespan of outdoor gear.
Exciting news!! We’ve moved!
We have moved workshops. If you are wanting to drop gear off, or pop in to pick our brains (please allow all of two seconds) then our workshop is now 6-7 Great Dockray, Penrith, CA11 7BL.

Until the clever people on computers do their paperwork thing, we have no signage and still look like the old bookies, so if it feels like you’re taking your broken gear to place a bet, then you’re probably in the right place.
Our postage address has not changed. Post all repairs to 1 Butterwick Cottages, Penrith, CA10 2QQ.
Here at RWC Outdoor Gear Repairs, we repair all brands of outdoor gear. We want you to get the most out of your kit, thus saving repairable gear from going into landfill.
Living and working in the awesome Lake District, Cumbria we live and breathe the outdoors. Spending most of our days in outdoor gear (apparently there are rare occasions when rocking a pair of boulder pants isn’t appropriate I’m told!) we question what effect the modern world of consumerism and fast fashion is having upon the environment we love so much. How sustainable is the outdoor gear industry? What can we as consumers do?
Repair, Reuse and Recycle
How much does it cost?
We’re firm believers in outdoor gear repairs being affordable for all
Who are We?
Who makes up team RWC?

Sprout is our specialist when it comes to dog related damage! Chewed pockets are his bread and butter. Jane is our chief seamstress.

The team out walking in the Lake District

Expert coffee maker and stitches straight as a dye.
What does RWC stand for?
The ‘Really Weird Club’
Founding members Christine and Pete. Growing up in Sheffield they were part of a growing crowd of climbers. Young and full of dreams of Scottish winters and Derbyshire crags they knew the value of buying wisely and repairing (to the point of Pete being seen wearing this jacket last winter, saying, “it’s not retro, it’s original”)
Fast forward a few years and the idea of repairing your gear, wearing retro and looking after the playground that we call the outdoors was certainly not a cool concept. We were a pretty weird crew!
Fast forward a few decades and the family grew as did the concept and the Really Weird Club was born.
Follow Us
Come join us, we’re not cool, we’re not fashionable, we’re not clever, but we’re outdoor enthusiasts who are all a little bit weird.

Repair Your Kit Now – Contact Us Today
We believe in repairing and reusing gear again and again, before eventually recycling it. So, have you got a clothing repair you need doing? Got a tear in your down jacket? Need to get that backpack patch repaired? Rain coming in through a torn waterproof jacket? Puffer jacket need a new zip? You’re in the right place. Be part of RWC Outdoor Gear Repairs. Make a difference, reduce landfill and get your outdoor gear repaired by us.